School Site Council
Washington receives categorical funding from the state or federal government and is required to elect a School Site Council (SSC), a decision-making body responsible for developing and recommending school goals and yearly plans to the School Board a "Single Plan for Student Achievement" for our school site.
Composed 50% of staff (including the principal, classroom teachers and other school personnel), and 50% non-staff (including parents or other community members selected by parents), the SSC monitors implementation of the Single Plan, and evaluates the results.
In addition, the SSC is required to consider recommendations from other school advisory committees such as our ELAC committee, related to their concerns and desires for the needs of students and on ways those needs could be met.
The School Site Council meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 2:30 PM in room A212.
Ms. Sandra Ortiz
Community Assistant
Location: Room A 116
Phone: (626) 396-5840 ext. 75067